WINTER HAVEN, Fla., April 11, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — Global Research and Discovery Group today announced that is has completed its five-year research project with Impact Biomedical. The project resulted in the generation of a diversified biotechnology portfolio of significant value focused on Biodefense applications.
It is anticipated that the next phase of the research will shift to licensing the Impact Biomedical portfolio to larger pharmaceutical companies for down range development. This will be coordinated by JRG Ventures, who has significant experience in technology transfer — particularly in the biospace arena.
GRDG successfully introduced and coordinated the licenses of the Linebacker and Equivir technologies with Prophase Laboratories for down range development and distribution and has been instrumental in coordinating licensing opportunities with industrial players for other technologies within the GRDG Portfolio, including the 3F, Laetose and Bioplastic technologies. These technologies represent the higher valued and most robust biomedical patents within the portfolio.
The end of the active work on this project comes at a key time for Global Research and Discovery, which will shift to identifying potential collaborations for continued research.
“Companies are free to go in any direction they wish, that’s the good thing about the free enterprise market,” said Daryl Thompson the founder of GRDG Sciences. “However, GRDG exists in the ‘goldilocks’ zone of the biotechnology industry and it makes sense for us to continue working in that area.”
Thompson is referring to the recent changes in the pharmaceutical industry where 95% of licensing deals are in the pre-clinical or more accurately, “early” or “discovery phase.”
“This represents a dramatic shift in the pharmaceutical industry where most of the deals, mergers and acquisitions previously took place at later phases in the drug development pipeline,” he said. “Sometimes working with larger institutions — especially legal or financial entities — there can be a disconnect between their business plan and what is actually happening in the marketplace.” Thompson added that the GRDG approach to bio-intelligence remains intuitive to the current pharmaceutical climate.
“We continue to use our know-how to meet objectives with as few moves as necessary,” Thompson said. “This means we seek to rapidly produce high value technologies as quickly as possible with a focus on minimizing financial risk and resources.”
Key Factors push discovery phase technologies
The prominent rise of the dominance of Discovery-phase technologies within the marketplace rests on several key factors. The most obvious is the recent SARS-SOV2 and COVID issues. Prior to the outbreak, the market and demand for antiviral technologies were at an all-time low. Now, since the SARS outbreak, there is a significant increase in the demand for new, more effective antiviral strategies.
Another reason for the change in the discovery phase dynamics is the increased demand for strategies to fight the emerging Pathogen X problem. The pathogenic X issue is described by world health experts as a prediction that the next global pandemic would be caused by a pathogenic organism that is currently “unknown.” This, again, increases the demand for newer, more effective therapeutics.
Finally, there is the looming “Patent Cliff” issue, which is currently categorized as a global crisis. The patent cliff is a contemporary problem in which the current, most effective therapeutics are going “off patent.” The loss of these patent rights significantly limits the financial return of their pharmaceutical parent companies. This becomes an issue since these financial returns are required to support research for newer and more effective biomedical discoveries.
GRDG has developed Quantum-based technology as a solution to this problem, including its latest: a more powerful antihistamine for Impact Biomedical. Under GRDG’s Quantum program this type of technology is directed toward a future treatment option for COVID because it is predicted to downregulate the ACE2 receptor that the SARS-COV2 virus exploit as an entry point into a human host.
GRDG business model is built on speed
GRDG’s business model is a seldom seen approach. The first focus is on key biodefense or biological needs that are identified by well-established think tanks such as the Epidemic Intelligence Agency, Potomac Institute of Washington, Center for Strategic and International Studies, CATO Institute, and the Global Viral Institute. GRDG then recruits and directs “pocket teams” of specialists with the required skill set to experiment and design solutions. GRDG works with a global group of Contract Research Organizations (CROs) to rapidly move technology from the chalk board to the laboratory as efficiently as possible.
“Our global network of CROs allow us to create and execute complex biological studies in a mere fraction of the costs and times required of government and University systems. The use of CROs for rapid discovery is the essential ingredient in our ‘secret sauce’ to innovation,” said Thompson. “Once a new technology is created, it is then patented and moved into licensing mode in which the technology is married to larger, less nimble industrial complexes that are in much need of innovation. This is the golden goose scenario” Thompson continued.
GRDG is now shifting its initiatives to not only continue its work with new innovations such as the Bioforge, Quantum, and Omnivax technologies; it is also working to train a global network of innovation teams based on GRDG’s Scientific approach.
“We will be working to foster a renaissance in not only science-based technologies but also to teach the ‘craft’ of innovation,” he said. “The world deserves to be a better place and we want to train teams to help us achieve that goal.”
GRDG has just completed filming a 90-minute documentary along with Impact Biomedical and Prophase Laboratories called “The BioQuest” explaining how it accomplishes these goals.
Media Contact:
Christina Glendening
SOURCE Global Research and Discovery Group Sciences