CHESTERFIELD, Mich., March 18, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Macomb County, which was awarded a $300,000 United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Brownfield Assessment Grant in 2020, is currently taking applications for sites that require environmental site assessments. PM Environmental (PM), a leading environmental risk management firm, has been selected as the grant’s environmental services consultant to assist the County in managing the grant, completing environmental assessments, and providing brownfield redevelopment planning services over the next three years.

“Macomb County’s EPA Assessment grant provides us with the opportunity to transform under-utilized properties and attract investment in our local communities. We are excited to work with PM Environmental on this project, and look forward to improving the environment, economy and quality of life for Macomb County residents,” said Amanda Minaudo, program director at the Macomb County Department of Planning and Economic Development (MCPED).
The MCPED plans to use the funds to assess brownfield sites where redevelopment will support environmental improvement initiatives, foster economic growth, and enhance the quality of life for residents. Applications for projects that are shovel-ready, located within economically distressed areas of the County, have known or suspected contamination, and have the potential to create economic growth are encouraged to be submitted for the County’s consideration.
“The awarding of EPA Brownfield Assessment Grant funds allows Macomb County to directly support projects that involve the reuse of properties suspected of being contaminated from prior uses. The assessment of these brownfield sites is a first step toward their restoration into economically impactful redevelopments that attract private investment into the County’s urban centers, create jobs, and increase local tax revenues,” said Ryan Higuchi, brownfield and economic incentives project consultant at PM.
Grant funding will be used to provide assistance to conduct Phase I and II Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs), Baseline Environmental Assessments (BEAs), Documentation of Due Care Compliance (DDCC), and Lead and Asbestos Surveys in support of brownfield redevelopment projects throughout the County. Funding will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. To determine if your project qualifies, please contact Ryan Higuchi at
About PM Environmental
PM Environmental, Inc. was incorporated in 1992 and is a full-service environmental consulting firm with offices throughout the United States. PM is ranked #1 in Michigan and nationally has ranked in the top 20 environmental consulting and engineering services company by EDR ScoreKeeper™ over the last five years. Services include Environmental Site Assessments, Property Condition Assessments, Brownfield Redevelopment, Environmental Compliance Audits, Underground Storage Tank Management, and more.
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Media Contact:
Chelsea Wieber, Marketing Director
Phone: +1 (248) 414-1465
SOURCE PM Environmental