Full-service startup support system is ideal for encore individuals who want to quickly launch a business to start earning now
CHICAGO, March 25, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — A survey by financial services company Empower reports that 64% of boomers surveyed feel that they are open to working indefinitely. This is a notable uptick in this sentiment since the start of the Covid epidemic.
But it also reveals that many respondents are looking for an alternative to traditional corporate employment to permit them to keep working and earning.
For many an attractive way to keep doing lucrative work they enjoy is to launch a business venture.
But the hardest part of launching a business is getting started in the first place.
Completing all that’s required — website development, logo design, content writing, LLC registration — can be downright paralyzing if you don’t already have experience in that kind of work.
“A lot of people try to start a business on their own, and a year later they still haven’t done it,” according to Jeff Williams, founder of Chicago-based Bizstarters.com.
Williams is betting that folks dreaming of business ownership right now want another way, one without all the loneliness and overwhelm.
That’s why he created a program called Virtual Incubator, which guides new business owners through the launch process, including pre-vetted vendors to help with all essential tasks. The approach offers an accelerated launch, in 90 days or less.
Who’s It Best For?
Williams’ Virtual Incubator business startup process is effective for any type of business, whether it sells a service or product, online or in the face-to-face world. His team’s specialty is working with corporate managers age 50 and over.
A compelling example of a successful Virtual Incubator client is Jim Glay, who went from being unceremoniously fired at age 50 to enjoying six-figure sales running his own company based on his long-enjoyed hobby playing drums in rock and jazz groups. Jim has not only sold his extensive collection of 1960’s drum sets to collectors around the world, but also sells drum sets for others on consignment. He also plays in a retro boomer rock band and provides drumming instruction.
The program works like this: An experienced 50-plus coach walks the client through developing a robust marketing strategy and selling plan. Then, vetted specialists in the Virtual Incubator support network execute every other organizational detail.
The Virtual Incubator approach is unique among startup coaching organizations. While other programs tell founders what steps they should take, Virtual Incubator removes all friction and uncertainty by executing the tasks for them.
For a full list of included services and program pricing, go to https://www.bizstarters.com.
Empower Survey
Media Contact:
Jeff Williams
SOURCE Bizstarters.com